This project was conceived as a way to consider objecthood, preciousness, and material, as well as a way to connect glassmakers one to one and all as part of a larger collective. The glass object is infinitely recyclable, something specific to our medium, and though it continually changes, it is also, always, the same object. The project it not only mine - it belongs to all the glassmakers involved, as we connect, communicate, and exchange.
The Object is currently ongoing at Urban Glass in Brooklyn, NY. The object is transformed by a new artist each week. Up to date progress is posted below, and more information, with process photos can be found here.
#1 - Original Object

#2 - Chris Duffy
#3 - Dave Naito

#4- Courtney McCloskey and Kyra Buleza

#5 - James Corporan

#6 - Mia Sartori

#7 - Josh Raiffe

#8 - Anders Rydstedt

#9 - Liesl Schubel

#10 - Sara Hulkkonen

#11 - Michiko Sakano

#12 - Dorie Guthrie

#13 - Alix Davis

#14 - Suzanne Peck

#15 - Emily Craddock

#16 - Rob Panepinto

#17 - Romina Gonzales

#18 - Alison Siegel

#19 - Kellie Krouse

#20 - Leo Tecosky

#21 - Cybele Maylone

#22 - Dr. Jane Cook and Anna Riley

#23 - Rachel Rader

#24 - Adam Holtzinger

#25 - Danielle Brensinger

#26 - Andrew Hughes

#27 - Nina Katchadourian

#28 - Esteban Salazar

#29 - Jocelyne Prince

#30 - Shuhei Fujii

#31 - George Dielman

#32 - Annie Shepard

#33 - Jason Bauer

#34 - Emrys Berkower
#36 - Ben Wright
#37 - Moshe Bursuker and students at University of Hartford

#38 - Andrew Bearnot

#39 - Paul Spraos

#40 - Lorin Silverman